

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Three months ago, I was having a silly chat with my friends as usual. Suddenly a topic came on Computers. One from that group told, his laptop was attacked by a virus and unable to work and also felt that he lost all his data and photos.
As i am a computer professional, He asked me about advise to solve that problem. I told him why don't you use google to find information about that virus. Its matter of couple of minutes to solve. He simply told

  • you may find lot of spam information than actual when you search for a topic.
  • if you click on any link, that might redirect to some unwanted links
Also when i had chat with different aged persons, i came across many questions like
  • Which computer is suitable to me?
  • I am just using my computer to do some documentation. Am i required to have Anti virus?
  •  how will Virus comes into my computer?
  • I lost my System password can i recover my data?
  • What could be the best configuration for usage?
  • Which brand should i select to buy new laptop?
  • What are the minimum Softwares required to my laptop?
  • Where should i buy for new laptop and its accessories?
Though we all very familiar about computers, the most common question among us is "Any suggestions  for new computer".  

After going through all these discussions, I decided to share my knowledge and experience in a blog so that every one can easily find suitable answers. 

My next blog will be on how to choose a laptop.

I want to maintain this as a interactive session so i appreciate if you can leave your comments on my blog.  Also if you are specifically looking for  any information please feel free to post.

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